Advice matters
Case Studies
The benefits of the ongoing relationship with your Insurance adviser

At SHARE, building long-term relationships with clients is at the core of what we do. It’s about knowing your needs, your goals, your circumstances – what makes you unique. And as this real-life success story shows, it’s about helping clients overcome challenges and achieve life-changing outcomes.

Insurance advice ‘pays out’ when it matters the most

In 2018, our Dunedin-based SHARE adviser Sally Teasdale was approached by a couple, wanting to review their insurance cover. Following a review meeting and a thorough assessment of their policies, Sally was able to identify that their Life and Trauma cover needed some adjustments to meet their situation. The client’s decided to proceed with Sally’s recommendations, and life moved on.

A year later, Sally and the client met again. In that circumstance, the client briefly mentioned having been diagnosed with breast cancer, and noted how she was relieved to have health insurance to fall back on if for any reason she wasn’t able to be treated quickly in the public health system

“She made no mention of the Trauma cover she had, and that made me think she had forgotten about that all-important benefit,” Sally recalls. “So I reminded her that breast cancer was one of the covered conditions in her Trauma policy, and that I can help her through the process to file a claim. My client was blown away.”

Back in the office, Sally and her team contacted the insurance provider to get the claim process rolling and all the required forms filled. Everything went smoothly from there: the claims team at Sovereign (now AIA) processed the request in a timely manner, keeping Sally and her client in the loop during the whole journey. “There were absolutely no hiccups, and it was great knowing that the client was well looked after,” Sally says.

Claims time can be stressful, especially when dealing with a health issue. To make matters even more challenging, this client was also renovating her property at the same time. Having Sally in her corner meant she didn’t need to worry about liaising with the provider on her own. And most importantly, the $100,000 payout allowed her to put her self-employed business temporarily on hold while recovering and wrapping up the renovations.

“The Trauma cover pay-out took the financial pressure off immensely,” Sally says. “It enabled her to fully focus on her health and recover a lot faster than possibly what she would have if she was under pressure.”

The ongoing benefits of quality advice

Claim time is just one of the key moments where insurance advice can make all the difference. As Sally points out, being an insurance adviser is all about establishing a rapport based on trust, respect and empathy.

“What draws me to Insurance advice is the people. It’s rewarding to know that, once their policy has been accepted, their family’s future is protected. And they may not even realise it until years later, when something happens to them and claim time comes,” Sally says. “And this ongoing relationship is not just a one-stop-shop. It evolves with time. You’re there, in your clients’ corner, for life.”

A SHARE adviser knows the market, knows the providers, what they offer and what’s the right fit for each client’s needs. It’s in those soundboarding conversations that the value of advice becomes significant: clients can tap into that professional knowledge and expertise every step of the way.

“So why not have an insurance adviser do all the hard work on your behalf, and do it right the first time?”

Get in touch

Like to learn about the ‘SHARE difference’ first-hand? Please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us. Whether it’s insurance, mortgages, KiwiSaver or investments – and anything in between – our SHARE advisers are here to answer any questions you may have.

Disclaimer: Please note that the content provided in these articles is intended as an overview and as general information only. While care is taken to ensure accuracy and reliability, the information provided is subject to continuous change and may not reflect current developments or address your specific situation. Before making any decisions based on the information provided in these articles, please use your discretion, and seek advice from your SHARE Financial Adviser.