Advice matters
What to look for in your insurance adviser

When it comes to finding the right financial protection for your needs, working with an insurance adviser – one who understands your needs and goals – can make all the difference. So, here’s a reminder of the benefits of having a SHARE adviser in your life, and how to choose one that meets your needs.

Experience matters

When it comes to insurance, expertise counts. All financial advisers in New Zealand have to have the appropriate competence, knowledge and skill for giving financial advice in their areas of expertise – in this case, life and health insurance. Like to learn more? Feel free to ask your adviser about their qualifications and experience at any time – they will be happy to talk you through them.

Communication style

One size doesn’t fit all, especially in communication. Are you looking for a straight-talker or someone with a more nurturing approach? When you have questions or concerns, can you easily reach your adviser? Consider how an adviser communicates and whether it aligns with your preferences. After all, you’ll be discussing important matters. Make sure you’re on the same wavelength.

Services offered

What type of services are you after? Identify your needs and ensure the adviser offers the right services. You may be after someone who specialises in risk insurance needs, or someone who can also help you with other financial advice areas – like mortgages and investments. In any case, keep in mind that even risk insurance-only advisers often work alongside professionals in other advice areas, so they can recommend you an expert in the field if needed.

Testimonials and reviews

What do others say about the adviser? Check testimonials, online reviews, and ask for references. Hearing from past and current clients can provide insights into the adviser’s customer service. Don’t be shy – this is your financial future we’re talking about.

Ongoing support

Insurance isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it solution. Life changes, and so do your insurance needs. It’s an adviser’s job to offer ongoing support and reviews, to ensure your policy remains relevant. Remember: your insurance adviser is in it for the long haul, helping you stay protected throughout life’s ups and downs.

Here to help

Once you find the right fit for you, you can benefit from having an insurance adviser by your side, helping you navigate the insurance world and safeguarding your financial future. Like to learn more about SHARE and our services? Get in touch – we’re here to help.

Disclaimer: Please note that the content provided in this article is intended as an overview and as general information only. While care is taken to ensure accuracy and reliability, the information provided is subject to continuous change and may not reflect current developments or address your situation. Before making any decisions based on the information provided in this article, please use your discretion and seek independent guidance.